What can you read about leadership, when you are a starting manager, or want to become a manager in the near future? Well, I’ll give you some suggestions on (personal) leadership.
- Stephen Covey – Seven habits of highly effective people: probably one of the most read books ons personal leadership.
- HBR 10 must reads on leadership : 10 articles published earlier in Harvard Business Review
- David Marquet – Turn the ship around: How a captain in the US Navy encourages and motivates his crew succesfully. You can read more about the book here.
- Liz Weisman – Multipliers: How to amplify the qualities of your team members. A review can be read here.
- Simon Sinek – Start with why: how to encourage people and increase engagement.
- Max Landsberg – Tao of coaching: very easy to read book that describes specific coaching techniques for managers
- Nadia van der Vlies – No-nonsense leiding geven: A very practical book on HOW to lead effectively (Dutch only)
- Joël Aerts – Ontwikkel je leiderschap: a hands-on book how to develop your own leadership skills and support others (Dutch only)
- Riding the waves of culture by Charles Hampden-Turner and Fons Trompenaars shares insights on how to lead effectively in an international business context.
- Erin Meyer has described how to look at cultural differences in a business environment using 8 different scales in The culture map.